
哎哎9年前 (2015-05-11)资讯2960


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  'Beckhamlook-a-like' monkey becomes big hit in Chinese zoo... and its keeper names herafter the star's daughter“酷似贝克汉姆的”猴子在中国动物园成为大热门

  龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com

  A Chinesezoo has its own new celebrity in the form of an adorable six-month-old monkeyas zookeepers insist her mohican-like hairstyle makes her look exactly likeDavid Beckham.


  Touristsare now flocking to the Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo to see the Beckhamlook-a-like macaque.


  Zookeepershave found the resemblance so uncanny that they have even named the littlemonkey after the football star's daughter, according to the People's DailyOnline.




  DavidBeckham and the six-month-old macaque look so similar that zoo-keepers havenamed her in honour of his daughter, Harper Seven



  Touristshave been flocking to the Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo to see the likeness for themselves


  Themacaque has been named 'Xiao Qi' - meaning 'Little Seven' - as Beckham'sdaughter Harper Seven is known in China.


  'She hada lot of hair but the sides were very short which looked a lot like Beckham'shairstyle,' said Chen Yuanyuan, the zoo-keeper who looks after Xiao Qi.


  'Becauseit is a female we named her after his daughter.'


  Beckhamsported the iconic mohican hairstyle back in 2001, but he has admitted that hewas forced to shave it off ahead of a match at Wembley Stadium.


  Xiao Qihas been in captivity for six months after she was abandoned at birth by hermother.


  Butzookeepers quickly stepped in to care for the baby monkey and are delightedthat she is now healthy enough to be able to live independently.


  ChenYuanyuan said that the newborn monkey faced her first big hurdle in Octoberlast year when her mother left her to fend for herself.



  Xiao Qiwas tiny when she first arrived at the zoo, after she was abandoned by hermother, and was put into an incubator immediately




  But afterjust two or three months she was much healthier and is now strong enough tohave contact with the outside world


  Accordingto the keepers, it is quite common for a primate mother to abandon her baby.But in Xiao Qi's case they suspect that it was because the mother had no milkto give her.


  Xiao Qiwas put into an incubator as soon as she arrived at the zoo because she was sosmall and had a very low body temperature.


  But afterjust two or three months she had become much healthier.


  KeeperYuanyuan added: 'When she first arrived here her head looked very big becauseher body was so small.



  Beckhamand his daughter Harper Seven, the namesake of Xiao Qi, which means LittleSeven



  Butbecause she was abandoned, Xiao Qi may never be accepted into an existing groupand keepers may have to continue to raise her individually


  Xiao Qihas now grown out of the 'infant period' and has started to have contact withthe outside world, but she may still lead a solitary life.


  'Crab-eatingmacaques are social animals and live in groups,' added the keeper.


  'HoweverXiao Qi may not be accepted into an existing group and may even be subject toattacks. If this is the case then we will consider raising her individually.'



  评价DeborahCuttlor,Cairns, Australia, 1 day agothey'llshare the same I Q for sure


  DMREADER,South East, 1 day agoRidiculous!


  Clémence,Paris, France, 1 day agoLame DM,lame


  Chas,Ex-pat, Bulgaria, 1 day agoSo, whichis which.


  steve1512,Tenerife, Spain, 1 day agoEitherthe author of this was drunk or I am....ridiculous article. It is obviouslyRyan Giggs.


  a kink,Chesterfield, United Kingdom, 1 day agoOf allthe photos you could have chosen this sum's your paper up perfectly small


  Ken Mist,Paris, 1 day agoCan't seeit myself


  BlutoMactavish, Bradford, United Kingdom, 1 day agoShowsmore personality than all the Beckham clan.


  Dasha SE,Gorna, Poland, 1 day agocertainlybetter looking than beckham, no doubt plays better football..


  sirpercy, central, United Kingdom, 1 day agowhich oneis beckham?


  Mr Ben,Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2 days agoIsn't ita good job david beckham is white or I fear there would have been riots !!!!


  austinmorris, perth, United Kingdom, 2 days agoToo true


  Akhenaten,Amarna, Egypt, 2 days agoYou're asblind as you are stupid, DM.


  mariobottlelli, Popogogo, Zimbabwe, 2 days agoThat'sraaaaaaaacist!


  culebra,here, United States, 2 days agoThiszoo would be boycotted if they had named the mon.key after Beyonce's and JayZ's daughter.


  Kath71,Grays, United Kingdom, 2 days agoIs this ajoke???



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